Easy-to-use dashboard tool to
SCRUM and SAFe processes

Powerful insights on Team, ART
and Portfolio level

Why Sprintometer makes a difference

  • One tool, big difference
    Aggregates and processes SCRUM, SAFE and DevOps metrics
  • Between business and IT
    Common basis for communication makes work more efficient
  • Automation frees up time
    No more mundane tasks taking up working hours and budget
  • Take informed decisions
    Historical and forecast data allow for better planning
  • Keep
    everything in sight
    Timely warnings to avoid critical situations
  • More focus
    Find all the information in one place instead of using different tools and Excel sheets
  • Customizable Dashboards
    Got specific requirements? Adapt Sprintometer to your team’s or ART’s needs
  • Easy-to-use from day 1
    User-friendly interface to find any information easily

Text if necessary

Scrum Master

Learn more
No more Excel sheets: Automated calculation of your team’s capacity based on the Outlook calendar data.

Easy-to-use dashboards for a quick overview:
Sprint status, Daily, Review, Planning.

Product Owner

Plan better: See if you are on track to meet the sprint/PI deadline or how long an epic took previously.

Budgeting assist: See if your budget spend is within the target. Estimate expenses for an epic.
Learn more


Do we need to change our processes before start to use Sprintometer?
The problem is in the people, tools can’t help. So why would we need Sprintometer?
I already have my project management tool such as Jira, do I need Sprintometer?
Looks like another tool I need to manage. Doesn’t it create more work?
Is Sprintometer a tool to control the team?
Looks like a nice-to-have thing. But we are not sure we need it and don’t really have budget for this.